Sack meaning in urdu learn english vocabulary free online

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english words with their meaning in urdu

Definitions of sack

 noun a large bag made of a strong material such as burlap, thick paper, or plastic, used for storing and carrying goods. Each one, after scrutiny, found something of value to add to his sack : paper, plastic bags, bits of cardboard. synonyms: bag, pouch, pack, satchel, knapsack, backpack, rucksack, packsack, day pack, bookbag, tote bag a loose, unfitted, or shapeless garment, in particular. The plain green dress was a good few sizes too big for her and hung off her petite frame like a big shapeless sack . verb dismiss from employment. any official found to be involved would be sacked on the spot synonyms: dismiss, discharge, lay off, let go, terminate, get rid of, cashier, make redundant, fire, give the sack, give someone their marching orders, give someone the boot, show someone the door, send packing, pink-slip
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