kharish خارش means in english scabies meaning in urdu

Scabies<means> kharish خارش

kharish خارش means in english, what is meaning of kharish خارش in english, kharish خارش ki english, kharish خارش meaning in english with pics, Scabies meaning in urdu, Scabies definition and synonym, Scabies KI URDU

Definition and synonym of scabies

Scabies is associate degree restless skin condition caused by a small burrowing mite known as Sarcoptes scabiei. The presence of the mite results in intense cutaneous sensation within the space of its burrows. The urge to scratch is also particularly sturdy at the hours of darkness.

Scabies is contagious and might unfold quickly through shut physical contact during a family, kid care cluster, college category, home or jail. due to the contagious nature of itch, doctors usually suggest treatment for entire families or contact teams.

Scabies is quickly treated. Medications applied to your skin kill the mites that cause itch and their eggs, though you'll still expertise some cutaneous sensation for many weeks
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