darpok بزدل in english coward means in urdu

coward <  means > darpok بزدل

coward meaning in urdu buzdil means in english darpok meaning in english, coward definition and synonym

Definitions and synonym of coward

 noun a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things. ‘Our power is wielded by weaklings and cowards , and our honour is false in all its points’. synonyms: weakling, milksop, namby-pamby, mouse, chicken, scaredy-cat, yellow-belly, sissy, baby, candy-ass, milquetoast adjective excessively afraid of danger or pain. Aidan had lost count how many times he'd cried himself to sleep in order to escape the pain that he was too coward to relieve himself of. (of an animal) depicted with the tail between the hind legs.
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