How to save battery life of samsung mobile 10 ways for save your battery life

Battery life on Android phones is better than it used to be but it can still sometimes be a chore to get through a busy day with juice left in the tank. These tips will go a long way to get you safely back to the charger, Keep your phone cool It's not common knowledge but some folks in the know ensure me that letting the phone get too hot can impact the battery life. I'm told the impact on the battery is particularly noticeable at 95 degrees and above so if you live in a hot climate as I do you'd better keep the phone out of the heat. If it's very hot outside you don't want to be walking in the heat with your phone in hand, as that exposes it directly to the heat. Keep the phone in a bag or a pocket as much as possible to keep the battery from taking a hit. If you go to a hot place like the beach, don't leave your phone sitting out in the sun as that will surely suck life out of the battery.

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